Do you ever stop to think about the germs, dirt, and oil that your favorite hair tools might be harboring? Gross, right? However, there are steps you can take to clean your favorite hair tools from combs and brushes to blow dryers and curling irons to make them work more effectively and keep your hair clean.

How to clean your blow dryer:

  • Germs and dirt might be hiding in the back vent of your hair dryer. To clean it out, most dryers have a back panel you can twist and pop off to clean out. Use a microfiber cloth and wipe it clean or use a dust buster to vacuum it clean.

How to clean your combs:

  • Soak your combs in water and shampoo and then rinse and dry. This will get rid of buildup and hairs that get stuck in combs. If there is really stubborn buildup, you can let it sit in a vinegar and warm water mixture to really get the gunk out.

How to clean your brushes:

  • Brushes can contain lots of buildup, hair, dust, dirt, and oil. First, use a comb or your fingers to pull excess hair out of your brush. Then wash your brushes with a cleansing or clarifying shampoo and air dry or blow dry them once they are rinsed clean.

How to clean your curling irons and straighteners:

  • If your curling or flat iron contains a lot of build-up, simply wipe down the barrels or plates often with a microfiber cloth and a little water. Make sure they are turned off and unplugged!

How to clean your rollers:

  • Remove any hair from your Velcro rollers and then wash them in a clarifying shampoo bath. You can also soak them in water and vinegar to get rid of any excess dirt and oil.

How to clean any additional hair accessories like bobby pins:

  • Try soaking hair accessories in a mixture of warm water and clarifying shampoo. Rinse and let dry. For many hair accessories like bobby pins, it is simply easier to just throw them out and buy new. Buy these items in bulk to save money.

Do you ever wash your hair tools? Or do you simply throw them out and buy new every few months? What is your favorite cleansing method from this list? Share with us!

5 thoughts on “How to Clean Your Hair Tools Properly

  1. Esther says:

    I wash my brushes with dish soap and air dry … I clean them with a strange small 2sided brush I have for years. Where Can I find more? The item is pictured on this website upper right corner

  2. Gwen says:

    I wash my brushes and combs weekly. After removing the hair, I fill the sink with water, put a drop of Dawn dish soap with a tsp of bleach. Then I scrub the brushes together and the combs with the brush and rinse with clean water. Removes the soil and disinfects the hair tools. I have had the same brushes and combs for close to 20 years. They look like new.

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