is an online place for “all things skin and beauty” and Keranique customers have offered their opinions and reviews about Keranique on the site.   Over 90% of Keranique customers said they would purchase Keranique again and, overall, they give Keranique a 4-stars rating!


Here is a sampling of the comments people have left about the Keranique Hair Regrowth Treatment:


Keranique spray lives up to its advertising-my hair is thicker, fuller, healthier than it has been for the past few years! The spray bottle is easy to use, literally takes seconds, and packs easily for travel. I highly recommend this product.

I am 63 years old and Keranique has given my hair new life. Excellent product. Put your hair in the hands of Keranique.

Great product. I am an African American female and I am using it for areas where my hair is thinning (i.e., sides, neck, temples). It is easy to use, and I have seen a difference after several months. Hair is thicker in those areas.

I have been using Keranique for 4 months and have noticed a remarkable difference in the fullness and thickness of my hair. I started seeing improvement after just one month.

Have been using this product for about 5 months. I definitely have new hair growth – even my hairdresser noticed! This product isn’t greasy or smelly and is easy to apply. Am using it with the shampoo and conditioner as well. Very, very happy with the product!


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